When I was in College I took a couple of informal classes on drawing and sculpture, but was just recently that I decided to take a class on oil painting. I enrolled in one of the informal workshops at the Daugherty Art Center in Austin, and since then I have been discovering not just art, but ultimately myself.
I have to thanks my family and friends for all the encouraging words and positive feedback, and specially to my artists friends that have been giving me advice specially in the technical aspects: Hampton Rodriguez, an amazing artist from Portland, Oregon; Rodrigo Alvarez, a chilean painter from D.C. and Sonia Karimi, a friend and artist from Austin-Texas.
I feel that my style has been evolving since I started and today I can say that there are two themes that attract me; one is the series called "Soñadoras (es)" (Dreamers) that is inspired in characters and people that I have met personally or by word of mouth, some of these are part of the South-American folklore. The second series is the one called "Constructions" which is more surreal, in this series sometimes you will be able to find elements from literature.
Lastly in my experimentation with techniques and mediums I been working on Mix Media pieces, this ones are part of a third an new series called "Tales" but basically following the two styles that I have mention before "Soñadoras" and "Constructions".
Thank you, and please your comments or critique are always welcomed.
Fernando Muñoz